Blogspot vs WordPress

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Blogspot vs WordPress

Which one is better Blogger or WordPress? There are many blog host, but the top two are Blogger (Blogspot) and WordPress. They are both different, I think Blogger specializes in content and WordPress specializes in website traffic. I personally think Blogger is better because the better content you have the better traffic you get! WordPress only tracks traffic for you, so if people know you can see where you get your traffic then they might link to you thinking you will link back to them.

On the other hand Blogger does not have a website traffic app, so people might not link to you because you won't know they did in the first place.... understand? It may be complicated but you will understand. Also Blogger has better content because they have 1,000's of apps to put on your blog. Think that's great right, that's what I thought when I first found Blogger, but think again those apps take time to load right? Some of those apps take 30 seconds to load! So, if you had 3 bad apps it may take 1 min. 30 seconds to load your blog.Ouch!!!

Their are other reasons I chose Blogger. One of the main reasons that I chose Blogger is because of their section on money when your editing. As you know or you may not know Google owns Blogger and Google AdSense. So there is a very easy way to put Google AdSense on you blog, so you can make money faster think that's good just wait! They also partner with you can sell any of their products and make money if they sell! You can even put them in your post very very easily!! Now I have told you about Blogger and WordPress make your decision...

I will have a poll on my blog soon saying which one did you pick, Blogger or WordPress. We can see what is more popular!

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